MUSKOKA, ON (September 26, 2024) – Venture Muskoka, in partnership with the District of Muskoka and Simcoe Muskoka Skillforce, has launched a video marketing campaign for the Muskoka Job Board to support workforce development and encourage career paths that are in high demand within Muskoka. Content will be shared across social media accounts and other digital platforms both locally and within a two-hour driving distance from Muskoka, to highlight opportunity sectors in the area.

The goals of this campaign are to:

  • Increase awareness and use of the Muskoka Job Board to connect employers to job seekers;
  • Encourage residents, including youth, to pursue career paths that are in high demand;
  • Highlight career development opportunities in key economic sectors; and to 
  • Highlight Muskoka’s environment, quality of life, and economic opportunities to attract job seekers from outside the region.

The first video in the series was created in partnership with Explorers’ Edge (Regional Tourism Organization 12) to encourage careers in the tourism industry. The video highlights the appeal of the Muskoka lifestyle through beautiful landscapes and thrilling recreational activities, and showcases employees in various roles at local tourism businesses. The second video in the series will be released later in 2024 and will focus on promoting careers in construction and trades, which is another high demand industry in Muskoka.

Launched in 2023, the Muskoka Job Board pulls listings from over forty popular regional and local job sites and displays them in one location that captures the employment opportunities in Muskoka. Listings are searchable by keyword, job type, and municipality, and can be browsed using an interactive map.

The Muskoka Workforce Strategy and Implementation Plan, developed in partnership by the District of Muskoka and the lower-tier Muskoka municipalities, were approved by municipal Councils across the region in Spring 2024. This workforce development campaign was established as one of the first steps towards actioning the recommendations within the implementation plan.

Related News

New Muskoka Job Board Launched to Help Employers Connect To Workers They Need – June 29, 2023


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About Venture Muskoka – Venture Muskoka is an economic alliance of the lower-tier municipalities within the District of Muskoka that focuses on building the economy and improving the quality of life throughout the Muskoka region. Made up of economic development staff representatives from the Towns of Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, and Huntsville, and the Townships of Georgian Bay, Lakes of Bays and Muskoka Lakes, Venture Muskoka developed and continues to maintain the website, home of the Muskoka Job Board. Venture Muskoka’s overall goals include investment attraction, supporting a year-round economy, and labour force development. Venture Muskoka shines the spotlight on this beautiful region as THE place to work, live and play, and positions Muskoka as the top choice for investors, residents and visitors in Ontario.

Venture Muskoka

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